About Us
Contact The Junior Board of Rock Island
By Mail:The Junior Board of Rock Island
P.O. Box 6041
Rock Island, IL 61204-6041
By E-Mail: juniorboardrockisland@gmail.com
Our Executive Board:
President: Lynnann Cook
Vice President: Kristen Doonan
Treasurer: Amanda Aunan
Recording Secretary: Toni Moore
Corresponding Secretary: Shellee Showalter
Mardi Gras Co-Chair: Joan Dean
Mardi Gras Co-Chair: Courtney Winter
Arrangements Co-Chair: MaryAnn Halpin
Arrangements Co-Chair: Lauren VanSpeybroeck
Fundraising Co-Chair: Sara McGinnis
Fundraising Co-Chair: Lisa Requet
NEST & Special Projects Co-Chair: Michelle Heitz
NEST & Special Projects Co-Chair: Bailie Vandygriff
Emily Allen, Jackie Allgood, Amanda Aunan, Beth Behrends, Chris Beierlein, Maddie Bevill,
Sydney Branson, Amanda Carter, Mallory Cherrington, Lynnann Cook, Joan Dean, Kara
Dlouhy, Kristen Doonan, Maggie Dykstra, Mara Fanello, Emily Ferguson, Jana Fleming,
Michelle Greuel, Molly Haines, MaryAnn Halpin, Stacey Happ, Michelle Heitz, Katie Hutchins,
Kathy Jones, Jen Kean, Becky Kennelly, Dawn Leischner, Sara McGinnis, Aubrey McKay, Toni
Moore, Kimberly Norris, Gretchen O'Brien, Bridget Otten, Leanne Parker, Brittney Perez, Megan
Radosevich, Jennifer Randazzo, Lisa Requet, Shellee Showalter, AnnMarie Shrake,
Natalie Sottos, Sarah Stephens, Katie Straub, Bailie Vandygriff, Lauren VanSpeybroeck,
Courtney Winter, Ali Wright
Johnna Adam, Julie Blew, Tara Blondell, Marji Boeye, Barb Cady, Kay Coin, Mrs. James Dale, Patti Deleu, Mary Essman, Brandi Gale, Lois Gannon, Kim Gass, Erin Gende, Cindy Graves, Tiffany Gunn, Allison Haskill, Katherine Hillyer, Patricia Hodge, Kelly House, Jill Iams, Raegan Jones, Liz Kantner, Kate Laver, Donna Lough, Brandi Love, Sue McDevitt, Geralyn McEvoy, Karen Mihm, Sylvia Mihm, Mary Milas, Gina Miller, Sarah Mitchell, Susan Murphy, Lynsy Oswald, Angie Pearson, Jayne Pearson, Karen Phillips, Colleen Rafferty, Mackenzie Roessler, Sue Scally, Cindy Schmitt, Jean Schwertly, Jennie Sharer, Laura Sierra, Nancy Taber, Leanne Thatcher, Erica Tholl, Sally Thompson, Patty Tillman, Michelle Timmer, Jennifer Trimble, Anjel Tweet, Kym Vandygriff, Amy Villarreal, Erica Williams, Laura Wriedt, Nina Zeglin
Our general membership is limited to 55 people each year, who then are split into active members, required to work at least 50 hours per year; and provisional members, who must work 40 hours per year. Additional associate members help Junior Board log on average a total of more than 4,500 volunteer hours each year! Seeing how Junior Board of Rock Island benefits their community makes all the hours worth it; it’s truly so rewarding. We would also like to thank the past and present Sustainers for their faithful contributions, without you we could not be the wonderful women’s organization we are today.